2.4 | How to handle the copyValue flag for non serializable instances?

Sometimes you will need a slot value to be non serializable instance (e.g. an object with circular references). This could cause an error since a slot value is copied by default when propagated due to a connection. To change this behavior, you may set the copyValue property of a connection to true. When copyValue = true a slot value will not be copied, instead, it will be passed as reference.

This way, a connection definition between a componentA and a componentB may look as follows:

	"connectionId": "nonSerializableConnection",
	"source": {
		"memberIdRef": "componentA",
		"slot": "nonSerializableSlot"
	"destination": {
		"memberIdRef": "componentB",
		"slot": "nonSerializableSlot"
	"copyValue": false