Checklist for releasing a new webpackage.modelVersion

Checklist for releasing a new webpackage.modelVersion

Releasing a new version of the webpackage.modelVersion can have impact on several artifacts of the Cubbles Plattform. Below is a checklist for adjusting these artifacts on the cause of releasing a new webpackage.modelVersion

  1. cubx-webpackage-document-api
    Create a new release on github for repository https://github.com/cubbles/cubx-webpackage-document-api. This repository contains the source code for npm package cubx-webpackage-document-api which holds the manifest.webpackage schema file and validation functionality for checking given manifest.webpackage files against the schema.

  2. cubbles-coder-devtools
    Check grunt tasks of npm package cubbles-coder-devtools if changes are required. If so apply these changes and release a new version of cubbles-coder-devtools package.

  3. cubx-webpackage-version-converter
    Adjust npm package cubx-webpackage-version-converter which holds functionality to convert existing webpackages using an old webpackage.modelVersion to current webpackage.modelVersion. Apply changes if necessary and release new version.

  4. cubx-grunt-webpackage-version-converter
    Check if npm package cubx-grunt-webpackage-version-converter still works with adjusted version of cubx-webpackage-version-converter. If necessary apply changes and release new version.

  5. cubx-grunt-webpackage-scaffold
    1. AUpdate schema references in lib/config/* files.
    2. Adjust (file) structure if necessary
    3. Adjust html templates if there are changes in Cubbles TAG API
    4. Use latest cubx-webpackage-viewer
    5. Use latest cubx.core.rte
    6. Release new version of npm package cubx-grunt-webpackage-scaffold

  6. cubx-wct-scaffolder
    If necessary adjust used npm package cubx-wct-scaffolder and release new version

  7. cubx-grunt-wct-scaffolder
    Check if changes on cubx-wct-scaffolder broke functionality of npm package cubx-grunt-wct-scaffolder. If so adjust it and release new version.

  8. generator-cubbles
    Use latest version of cubbles-coder-devtools in npm package generator-cubbles. Release a new version on npmjs.org.

  9. cubx.core.rte

    Several moduls might need adjustments to enable RTE to support a new webpackage.modelVersion:
    • Cubbles TAG API
    • CRC (allowed modelVersion)
    • DependencyManager
    • ManifestConverter
    • Cache
    • ManifestProcessor
    • CRC-Loader
    • CIF
  10. cubbles-test
  • Update all webpackages with the new rte version,
  • test them and
  • publishe a fix release of all webpackages.
  • Change version for all webpackages to the next SNAPSHOT version

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