Configure network proxy

Configure network proxy

Usage of network proxy

If your computer is behind a network proxy, you might use a proxy configuration for some of the grunt tasks in devtools.

Local http server

The local http server forwards request (for not locally available resources) to the configured remoteUrl. Configure a proxy if the remoteUrl can be reached through your network proxy only.

Upload of the webpackages

Uploading a webpackage to a remote Cubbles Base requires access to the Base instance. Configure a proxy if the Base instance can be reached through your network proxy only.

Configure the network proxy as environment variables

Use the environment variables http_proxyhttps_proxy and no_proxy (or HTTP_PROXYHTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY) to configure a network proxy for your local environment.

Configure the network proxy in linux

$ export http_proxy=http://my-http-proxy:80
$ export https_proxy=https://my-https-proxy:443
$ export no_proxy=localhost,

Configure the network proxy in windows

  1. Type Win+Pause to open the Advanced system settings
  2. Open Environment Variables
  3. Add a new environment variable http_proxy, and configure the http proxy url
  4. Add a new environment variable https_proxy, and configure the https proxy url
  5. Add a new environment variable no_proxy if you will exclude domains from proxy, and configure a comma separeted list of excludes.

Configure the network proxy for the workspace

If you won't configure the network proxy in the enviroment, you can config it in the .workspace file. (<your project path>/webpackages/.workspace). The proxy configuration  in .workspace ovrride the enviroment variables.

  "activeWebpackage": "my-demo-webpackage",
  "remoteStoreUrl": "https://cubbles.world/core-test",
  "http_proxy": "http://my-http-proxy:80",
  "https_proxy": "https://my-https-proxy:443"

Configure the network proxy for a particular upload config

You can define proxy settings on upload config level using the proxy property. For this particular upload config it overrides the existing higher-level configurations (in .workspace or on you local machine).

  "uploadConfigs": {
    "development": {
      "url": "http://cubbles-base-local/core-test",
      "proxy": ""
    "release": {
      "url": "https://cubbles.world/core-test",
      "proxy": "https://my-proxy:443"

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