Create User

Create User

Do the following steps to create a new user.

1. Open User Database

  • Connect to the host via ssh; make sure your ssh client has port-forwarding enabled from a local port of your choice to the exposed port of the cordatastore container.
  • Lets say your local port is 5985; within your local browser open http://localhost:5985/_utils
  • Login as admin and switch to the _users database.

2. Create User Document

Klick [New Document] | Paste, modify and save the following document:

	"_id": "org.couchdb.user:1",
   "name": "1",
   "displayName": "User 1",
   "email": "user1@cubbles.world",
   "logins": {
       "local": {
           "login": "user1"
   "roles": [],
   "type": "user",
   "password": "pass"


  • doc._id = "org.couchdb.users:" + doc.name //document id
  • doc.name //unique username; will be used to refer to the user from other documents
  • doc.displayName //in future this will be used within the user-interface

  • doc.logins.local //loginname of the user (may be, we support different logins in future - so this is labeled as the 'local' login)

  • doc.roles //currently not used; as CouchDB requires the property we pass an empty array.
  • doc.password //the password for the local login (don't care, the value will be saved encrypted as soon as you 'save' the document)

3. Respond via eMail

Account E-Mail

Dear ...,

thanks for requesting an account for https://cubbles.world

Your initial password: ...

We recommend to change your password immediately using the manageprofile -api:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -u {myLogin}:{myPassword}   https://cubbles.world/_api/manageprofile/users/{mylogin}/password -d {\"newPassword\":\"{myNewPassword}\"}

Best regards,

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