Remove User
Remove User
Do the following steps to remove a user (set his account to 'inactive')
1. Open User Database
- Connect to the host via ssh; make sure your ssh client has port-forwarding enabled from a local port of your choice to the exposed port of the cordatastore container.
- Lets say your local port is 5985; within your local browser open http://localhost:5985/_utils
- Login as admin and switch to the
2. Edit User Document
Do not remove a document from the _users
database. This may lead to inconsistencies as other documents may refer to this.
Find the document representing the users account, modify it the following way and save the document:
Find the users document ...
{ "_id": "org.couchdb.user:1", "name": "1", "displayName": "User 1", "email": "user1@cubbles.world", "logins": { "local": { "login": "user1" } }, ... }
Add a property "inactive": true
to the users document ...
{ "_id": "org.couchdb.user:1", "name": "1", "displayName": "User 1", "email": "user1@cubbles.world", "logins": { "local": { "login": "user1" } }, "inactive": true, ... }